Hunger Assistance

Together, we are fighting hunger! All of us, working together towards the greater good of this community – for children whose main source of food is school meal programs, for seniors who are forced to choose between groceries and medication, for parents who work two jobs and still cannot afford to feed their families and others.

Learn How 211 Can Help

Information and Resources

View updates and helpful resources from our hunger relief partners and feel free to download and share.

SNAP Information

What is SNAP?

Video: What is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Palm Beach County Food Bank

Resources include SNAP application assistance, nutrition education, and childhood and senior hunger programs.

SNAP Toolkit

Contact for editable Word documents other Florida counties can use to personalize with their specific information.

WIC Information


Pregnant? Have a baby? WIC may be right for you.

WIC Overview Videos

Learn about WIC and find a local WIC office near you. Available in English, Spanish, Creole, and Portuguese.

CROS Ministries serves the hungry in Palm Beach and Martin Counties by increasing access and availability of nutritious food through food pantries, a hot meal program, and produce recovery.

In the News

Looking for Other Resources?

Connect with United Way's partners at the 211 Helpline for referrals to all types of resources in our community.