Helping Youth Succeed

United Way is dedicated to providing our students with quality mentorship and educational support to help them succeed in their careers and in life. Only 44 percent of all high school graduates in Palm Beach County are predicted to receive a post-secondary credential within six years of high school graduation. Our funded programs are committed to closing that gap by facilitating quality mentoring relationships, promoting academic achievement, and preparing youth for post-secondary education and employment.

99 %

Of youth served by a United Way funded program graduated from high school

98 %

Of youth served by a United Way funded program increased their college and career preparation skills


Students were served through United Way funded programs last year

Mentor Matches

Research shows that students who participate in mentor relationships miss fewer school days, are less likely to participate in negative behaviors, and are more likely to graduate on time. United Way’s Mentor Center leads a network of 60 mentor programs in PBC and oversees 6,500 mentor matches each year. Our funded programs and mentor volunteers are changing youths’ lives every day!

Graduate & Thrive

Obtaining a post-secondary credential is a key indicator for earning a living wage and affording basic necessities. Our funded programs are giving students the tools they need to graduate high school and complete a certification, trade school, or college degree that will ultimately strengthen both the futures of our students and our community’s workforce.

See Our Impact

Watch this video to hear from our nonprofit partners and their clients as they share how their lives are changed through participating in United Way funded programs.

In The News

May 23, 2024 Community
Summer BreakSpot provides nutritious meals at no cost to children 18 and under while school is out for the summer. Enjoy breakfast, lunch, and/or snacks all summer long.

Want to see more impact?

Download a PDF resource with additional information on our Helping Youth Succeed focus area.

Become a Mentor

Change a youth's life in just 1 hour a week!

Get to Know ALICE

ALICE represents the growing number of individuals and families who are working, but are unable to afford the basic necessities of housing, food, childcare, health care, and transportation.