Disaster Preparedness

Organizing Volunteers and Donations

United Way of Palm Beach County is actively involved in supporting the county’s disaster-related volunteer needs, providing resources to help the nonprofit community prepare for and recover from disasters, and working closely with officials to develop a more effective disaster management plan. That responsibility includes calling into action United Way’s trained and spontaneous volunteers and opening a Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) to mobilize volunteers.

What Is a Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) and How Does It Work?

The VRC opens within 72 hours following a disaster and serves as the central location for coordination of volunteers assisting in the relief efforts when requested by the County. United Way registers and deploys volunteers where they are needed throughout the county.

Become a Disaster Assistance Volunteer

For more information about a presentation to your group about disaster volunteer opportunities, please contact Donna Pulda, Vice President of Special Initiatives and Grants, at 591-375-6621 or donnapulda@unitedwaypbc.org.

Disaster Preparedness Resources

United Way and other local partners provide trainings to ensure our nonprofit community is ready for a storm. Review these helpful resources below:

2022 Hurricane Outlook | Presented by: Robert Molleda, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service, Miami/South Florida Weather Forecast Office

Nonprofits and Public Assistance | Presented by: Buck Dickinson, FDEM

Palm Beach County Disaster Preparedness Tips | Presented by: Dearmayl Sherrod, M.S., M.B.A., A.E.M., Emergency Management Specialist II, Community Outreach

Legal and Human Resources Considerations | Presented by: Tequisha Myles, Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County

Disaster Cycle Series: Preparedness | Presented by: Jovita Woodrich, Volunteer Services Director, Volunteer Florida and Meghan Foley, Associate Director of Disaster Recovery, United Way of Palm Beach County

Disaster Cycle Series: Response | Presented by: Meghan Foley, Associate Director of Disaster Recovery, United Way of Palm Beach County

Florida Disaster Resource Guide
This training provides a background on disaster volunteers and the need for effective management, as well as how to use Volunteer Connect to create a virtual network for volunteer management.

August 6, 2020 Training
While we keep our eyes on the tropics, here are three community resources for prepping your household for this hurricane season (and any other disaster that may come our way).
September 2, 2021 Training
With the devastating impacts of natural disasters we have seen in recent weeks, it’s more important than ever for our community to be prepared to recover from these crises.

Help During a Crisis

United Way of Palm Beach County has a long history of preparing for and recovering from disasters. Our team is dedicated to ensuring all residents of Palm Beach County and our community partners are ready for the next crisis.